It’s easy to apply for free, nutritious meals in Burlington’s schools.
Who should apply?
Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications are only required at Champlain Elementary, Edmunds Elementary School, Edmunds Middle School, and Burlington High School. All families who qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals will receive FREE meals.
When should you apply?
You may apply at any point during the year.
How do you apply?
Download and Print our Paper Application- See instructions below
- Get an application. You can print a Free and Reduced Price Meal Application by clicking the link below, or by inquiring at your school’s office.
Download Free/Reduced Meal Application »
Click here for instructions. - Complete and sign one application per family that includes all household members. The information you provide will be used to determine eligibility and will be kept strictly confidential. For help with your application, please call 802.864.8416
- Mail your completed application in an envelope to:
Burlington School Food Project
52 Institute Road
Burlington VT 05408 - You will be notified of your eligibility status as soon as possible. Until approval and notification, you must provide your child with a lunch or lunch money.
Eligibility Information:
Factors considered in the application process are household size and total household income. Household size is considered all persons, related or unrelated including parents, children, grandparents or friends who live in your home and share living expenses. The TOTAL Household income is the income each household member received last month before taxes. This includes wages, social security, pension, unemployment, welfare, child support, alimony, and any other income. Families MUST reapply for meal benefits every school year.
Call 802.864.8416